วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Major Project (2nd Draft)

Write a summary and critique of the article : Online communication, social media and adolescent wellbeing: a systematic narrative review

                Paul Best et al. (2014) conducted a study to review the evidence, which presented both of the beneficial and harmful effects, regarding the effects of Social Media Technologies (SMT) on adolescent well-being and to synthesize current research on the impact of SMT. This study utilized each 41 key words finding during 11th-18th April 2013, which retrieved a systematic narrative review of published research during  January 2003 to April 2013 from eight bibliographic databases(1- ASSIA, 2-Communication Abstracts, 3-CINAHL, 4 –ERIC, 5–Medline, 6-PsycINFO, 7- Scopus and 8 -SSCI). The methodological study was influenced by systematic reviewing techniques. It was developed an approach as following (1) searching technique,(2) selecting a final 43 relevant studies from pre-define keywords of searching,(3) using quality appraisal tool,(4) using a narrative synthesis method, (5) developing a multi-dimensional framework with concepts from sociology, psychology and communication studies literature at three social levels (1-macro level: communication approaches , 2-meso level: systems approaches, 3- micro level: adolescent development approaches). The result showed that the influence of SMT on adolescent well-being was varied. Following 13 of the 43 studies indicated beneficial outcomes using of SMT effects on adolescent well-being were reported as perceived social support, increased self-esteem, increased belongingness, and safe identity testing, increased self-disclosure and enhanced perception of associated positive feedback in community. However, negative effects were reported as increased risk of depression, social isolation, cyber-bullying, increased risk of exposure to online harm, decreased psychological wellbeing.

                This study provides the response in the high quality methodology of studies. As part of review method was developed connecting the relationship between data exploration and synthesizing of the robustness. However, there are some limitations.

1.       Overall methodological qualities of included papers were over-represented on cross-sectional survey in question research as a designed weakness. Additionally, it was unable to clearly recognize various factors such as identity, age, gender, geography, status, amount of usage on adolescent SMT. For example; it is possible that adolescent face more risks on online activities and experiences are closely linked with offline activities and experiences (Livingstone et al., 2014). There might be easily linked to interpersonal interactions via SMT has a detrimental mental and behavior effect on adolescents (Patton et al., 2014, p.548-549).
2.       The study investigated based on the systematic review that a lot of formats and forms of papers might be lack of rigorous definition of the specific objectives of the relationship between SMT and well-being experience. Either positive or negative effects are premise online activities rather than variables. The study should be identified topics of positive and negative effects from each included papers and/or ensure appropriately weighted their related concepts to enable the reliable research.     

                The strength of this study is to combine a systematic review and a narrative review in order to reduce a bias. Another advantage of tables was showed clearly summary type of a final 43 included studies’ methodology and related concepts by study.  Social networking site is an integrated part of the adolescent’s everyday lives and online activities that might lead to higher degrees of adolescent’s physical and psychical well-being(Patton,2014; Subrahmanyam, 2009). The further study should emphasize more rigorous scope of adolescent in both physical and psychical well-being and development.

Reference list
1. Best, P., Manktelow, R., & Taylor, B. (2014). Online communication, social media and adolescent wellbeing: a systematic narrative review. Children and Youth Services Review, 41, 27-36.
2. Livingstone,S.,Haddon,L.,Görzig,A.,and Ólafsson,K. (2011). Risks and safety on the internet: The perspective of European children.LSE: The London of School Economics and Political Science, London: EU Kids Online, www.eukidsonline.net, 1-163.
3. Patton,D.U.,Hong,J.S.,Ranney,M.,Patel,S.,Kelley,C.,Eschmann,R.,& Washington,T.(2014).Social media as a vector for youth violence:A review of the literature. Computers in Human Behavior,35,548-553.
4. Subrahmanyam,K., Garcia, E., Harsono,L.S., Li, J. S., & Lipana,L.(2009). In their words: Connecting on‐line weblogs to developmental processes. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27(1), 219-245.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Major Project

Write a summary and critique of the article : Online communication, social media and adolescent wellbeing: a systematic narrative review

                Paul Best et al. (2014) conducted a study to review the evidence, which presented both of the beneficial and harmful effects, regarding the effects of Social Media Technologies (SMT) on adolescent wellbeing and to synthesize current research on the impact of SMT. This study utilized each 41 key words finding during 11th-18th April 2013 which retrieved a systematic narrative review of published research within January 2003 to April 2013 from eight bibliographic databases(1- ASSIA, 2-Communication Abstracts, 3-CINAHL, 4 –ERIC, 5–Medline, 6-PsycINFO, 7- Scopus and 8 -SSCI). The methodological study was influenced by systematic reviewing techniques. It was developed an approach following as (1) searching technique,(2) selecting a final 43 relevant studies from pre-define keywords of searching,(3)using quality appraisal tool,(4)using a narrative synthesis method, (5) developing a multi-dimensional framework with concepts from sociology, psychology and communication studies literature at three social levels (1-macro level: communication approaches , 2-meso level: systems approaches, 3- micro level: adolescent development approaches). The result showed that the influence of SMT on adolescent wellbeing was varied. Following 13 of the 43 studies indicated to beneficial outcomes using of SMT effects on adolescent wellbeing were reported as perceived social support, increased self-esteem, increased belongingness, safe identity testing, increased self-disclosure and enhanced perception of associated positive feedback in community. However, negative effects were reported as increased risk of depression, social isolation, cyber-bullying, increased risk of exposure to online harm, decreased psychological wellbeing.

                This study provides to repose on the high quality methodology of studies .As part of review method was developed connecting of data relationship exploration and synthesizing of the robustness. However there are some limitations.
1.       Overall methodological quality of included papers were over-represented on cross-sectional survey in question research as a designed weaker, in addition there were unable to clearly recognize various factors as identity, age, gender, geography, status, amount of usage on adolescent SMT. For example, it may be that adolescent face more risks on online activities and experiences are closely linked with offline activities and experiences (Livingstone et al., 2014). There might be easily linked to interpersonal interactions via SMT has a detrimental mental and behavior effect on adolescents (Patton et al., 2014, p.548-549).

2.       The study investigated base on the systematic review that a lot of formats and forms of papers might be lack of rigorous definition of the specific objectives of the relationship between SMT and wellbeing experience either positive or negative effects are premise online activities rather than variables. The study should be show identifying topics of positive and negative effects from each included papers and/or ensure appropriately weighted their related concepts to enable the reliable research.
                The strength of this study is that combine a systematic review and a narrative review in order to reduce a bias. Another advantage of tables was showed clearly summary type of a final 43 included studies’ methodology and related concepts by study.  Social networking site is an integrated part of the adolescent’s everyday lives and online activities, these effects might lead to higher degrees of adolescent’s physical and psychical wellbeing(Patton,2014; Subrahmanyam, 2009). The further study should be emphasizing a more rigorous scope of adolescent both physical and psychical wellbeing and development.

Reference list

1. Best, P., Manktelow, R., & Taylor, B. (2014). Online communication, social media and adolescent wellbeing: a systematic narrative review. Children and Youth Services Review, 41, 27-36.
2. Livingstone,S.,Haddon,L.,Görzig,A.,and Ólafsson,K. (2011). Risks and safety on the internet: The perspective of European children.LSE: The London of School Economics and Political Science, London: EU Kids Online, www.eukidsonline.net, 1-163.
3. Patton,D.U.,Hong,J.S.,Ranney,M.,Patel,S.,Kelley,C.,Eschmann,R.,& Washington,T.(2014).Social media as a vector for youth violence:A review of the literature. Computers in Human Behavior,35,548-553.
4. Subrahmanyam,K., Garcia, E., Harsono,L.S., Li, J. S., & Lipana,L.(2009). In their words: Connecting on‐line weblogs to developmental processes. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27(1), 219-245.